Aside from the claim that this image qualifies for use without permission under fair use, this image is also available under a license that permits unrestricted redistribution in unaltered form but forbids derivative works. Images licensed under such terms do not meet the definition of Free Cultural Works as adopted by the . The new Greek finance minister has a signature that looks like a penis. Couvrez cette signature que je ne saurais voir.
Il est décrit comme un homme politique discret et affable, bien loin du style flamboyant de son prédécesseur, . He is new economy minister of Greece.
Greece has a new finance minister, and his signature looks like a dick. Much of the focus turned away from the crippling deal voted upon by 2Greek lawmakers at dawn on Saturday. Non pas parce que le nouveau ministre des finances de la Grèce est parvenu à décrocher un accord sur la dette grecque, mais parce que sa signature ressemble fortement à un pénis en érection. All posts must make an attempt at humor.
No reaction, MRW, HIFW, or Me IRL posts. Mike BirdVerified account. Interested in finance, economics, history, politics.
Le nouveau ministre grec des Finances fait beaucoup jaser outre-Atlantique. La photo de la signature du ministre a fait le tour des réseaux sociaux suscitant énormément de .
Diuen que a una persona se li. Cette signature ouvrait en effet la . Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation was formally announced at a signature ceremony in Athens attended by representatives from across the Greek research community. On peut rire de tout même en temps de crise. Bien malgré lui évidemment. Signature of the revised memorandum of understanding for Greece.
Греческий министр финансов Цакалотос подписал новое предложение. Tsakalotos signature has caused much amusement as he . Не очень хорошее предзнаменование, . He will not hesitate to put his signature on anything that is asked of him in order to put off the test of popular vote,” a statement from the conservative party said. None of those who react has an alternative answer to the blackmail that we faced on July the 12th”, said the Prime Minister in a meeting he held with some of his closest associates. At the same time he noted that he has a complete understanding of his responsibility regarding the hard compromise. The Communist Faction of SYRIZA has initiated a signature -collecting campaign among the many members of the party.
Photo: Council of the EU). Greece and its creditors have postponed an agreement to unblock a new disbursement from the Greek bailout and on . En particulier, selon une annonce parlementaire, le nouveau système électronique mis au point par la direction de . His signature would have freed him. Nicole Petallides, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) anchor for The Fox Business Network welcome the Government Delegation.
The participants of the “ Closing Bell” ceremony included from the Government Delegation: Hon.
Athens, attended by representatives from across the Greek research community. With his signature on the pact hardly dry, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called it an accord he did “not believe in,” but said that he had accepted it to avoid a potentially catastrophic default and exit.