We had a fantastic time and hope you did too. Le Bauma de cette année a été spectaculaire. Plus que jamais, le constructeur a mis en avant ses nombreux investissements en matière de service après-vente. Whether you are looking for exhibiting companies, their products, new suppliers, company profiles or the latest press releases: Everything you need to know about bauma is available here.
Terex Trucks a connu son premier Bauma.
Or you can simply get started by taking a look into the halls—one click on the hall is all it takes. Роторная дробилка отличается усовершенствованной электронной . Wat bleef is de Schaeff-traditie. Resultaat is volgens de bouwers: XL graafvermogen, . On display in the outside exhibition area, booth number FM. Demag all-terrain crane family.
The full range consists of all-terrain cranes ranging from 100- to 200-tonne capacity and . Die Modelle sollen dem Anwender ein Plus an Komfort und eine höhere Arbeitseffizienz bieten.
The Motherwell, Scotland-headquartere globally renowned articulated and rigid hauler manufacturer is here launching its new Stage IV compliant TA4ADT – at 38tonnes the largest and first of the Volvo Construction . The model offers variable speed for . Photo by Keith Norbury. Carmix TrailerPump 15: quality concrete arrives even higher and further Carmix. The Italian company increases its . We look forward to your visit!
Taking place at the Messe Mí¼nchen trade-fair centre in . Nowa koncepcja stanowiska operatora, innowacyjne sterowanie oraz nowe wzornictwo to najważniejsze cechy modeli . Bauma will provide the stage for TWS to make a number of key . Aktueller Stand der Vorbereitungen auf der Bauma: Aus Pavillions, Messeständen und Ausstellungsstücken entsteht Schritt für Schritt die Messe. April haben die Aussteller Zeit, ihre Pavillions, Stände und . Providing fleet owners the versatile on-site productivity and cost-efficiency . Fuchs cuenta con buena reputación por sus años de experiencia en la producción, sus fundados conocimientos en el desarrollo y su amplia gama de servicios. Los requisitos específicos de los clientes representan la piedra angular de las actividades de la compañía y, gracias a ello, los clientes cuentan . We welcomed over of our dealers to the stan including our newest German dealer, Klarmann, alongside hundreds of new and existing customers, all of whom were eager to see the new Gen10 . В Мюнхене проходит выставка строительной и горнодобывающей техники Bauma, на которой представлены новейшие разработки современных производителей. Карьерник Scania P4(6×6) с односкатными .
Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Geländekran. Der Kran hebt bis zu metrische bzw. The 60-tonne articulated dump.
It was a flying visit through Bauma for me this time, with too little opportunity to see most of the great stuff that there was on show.