Scraper caterpillar video

Another of Andrew and Shane Push – Pulling, with Barry (noddy) brushing up the cut area. A spread of cat 6and 6scrapers working the fill. They are cutting clean clay from a pond as you can see.

VIDEO WITH SPECS AT END. I was at the cat yard and they had this there and it was too good of an. Caterpillar Motor Scrapers 6R.

Watch the parking lot empty as this monstrous earthmoving crew lumbers back to the cut, burning probably gallons of diesel in 4:minutes! Get your first glimpse of the brand new Cat 631K scraper field follow unit here as a Cat D10T push loads 631G. The Elevating Wheel Tractor- Scraper is a self-loading hauling system with the added ability to mix and homogenize material and do fine finish work. CAT 345C L in action loading bottom dumps.

SOILMEC drill in action. CAT 657E Scraper in close-up action. Laderaupe Video Used Liebherr Dozer in Action. Lienheer Raupe Video. Now this is an operator right here!

You are going to see the guy who is in . Could he be our youngest operator? Legally roadable almost anywhere, it was to prove a very popular tool as you will see. Used equipment review: Cat 6scraper. RON HORNER climbs into the cab . Deux Scraper 6G don un fait le Push, Impressionnant ! Cat 6G est le plus gros Scraper de la gamme Cat, il a deux moteurs) Two Scraper 6G gift a fact Push, Impressive! Shop with confidence.

FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases. A detailed description of a modified open center full power hydraulic steering system with follow-up correction, used on the 631B tractor- scraper is presented. Diagrams of the hydraulic steering in the neutral position, slow turn, fast turn, and maximum turning effort are shown. Workings of control valve, follow-up linkage, . The 630K Series wheel tractor- scrapers —631K and 637K—replace the previous 630G Series.

La décapeuse est un engin de travaux publics.