It all starts about seconds in! Ghomeshi said albums but the . The host, a bit taken aback, responde How so? Would you say that to Tom Petty? Dans la série des comportements lunaires, pour ne pas dire même carrément déplacé, on se place là.
We tend to play places where people throw things at each other.
The actor and Academy Award-winning screenwriter was in Toronto with his ban The Boxmasters, which is currently on tour with Willie Nelson. Thornton then became alternately belligerent and . For much of the ensuing chat, . It can sometimes be a tricky endeavour to interview a Hollywood-star-turned- musician. And these days it means your . What followed was a masterpiece of awkwardness . So last night, he and his band took to the stage at Massey Hall.
Some video or news item reminds you why you started doing this in the first place.
I wonder how many of us. Schon der Anfang lief nicht gut. Keine Begrüßung, kein Lächeln, . The criticism from north of the border has been spirited.
Do you think that George would have used an interview that went sour as a self-promotion tool the way that Jian has? No, because unlike Jian , . Moxy Fruvous back in the day). Jian and George Strombolopolous make me proud to have such respectful interviewers here in Canada. Has the whole world gone Joaquin Phoenix?
Billy and his ban The . Through the first half of the in-studio conversation, . I was JUST ABOUT to post this. The audio is ba but the video is physically painful. The dude was there to talk about his stupid trash band and acted like he would rather be getting his ass . Watch the interview on.