Currently synonyms

Synonyms for currently at Thesaurus. Dictionary and Word of the Day. Find a better way to say it. Currently synonyms and Currently antonyms. Top synonym for currently (another word for currently) is presently.

At this moment: actually, now.

Idioeven (or just) (or right) now. Leaf Group Education, all rights reserved. Database is based on WordNet 3. Define currently (adverb) and get synonyms. What is currently (adverb)?

I would suggest employed;. Temporary employees and those on paid-leave are included in this definition. On this page you will find all the synonyms for the word to current.

Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. English dictionary definition of currently. Being in progress now: current negotiations. Passing from one to another;.

Xapian provides support for storing a synonym dictionary, or thesaurus. This can be used by the xapian. QueryParser class to expand terms in user query strings, either automatically, or when requested by the user with an explicit synonym operator ( ~ ). Consequently, the meanings of these terms are far from fixed. Though it would be an overstatement to say that both terms are currently synonyms , there is a considerable overlap in the meanings that can be attached to them, and thus they can be used synonymously. Presently, now, nowadays.

The less used strain is C. For example, a maximum ethanol . VARCHAR and VARCHARare currently synonyms in OracleQi. Handling of BINARY, VARBINARY. DBalso supports BLOB(n) with a limit of gigabytes. LONGVARBINARY literals in SQL statements varies .