City turned to salt

The Book of Genesis describes how she became a pillar of salt after she looked back at Sodom. She is called Ado or Edith in some Jewish traditions, but is not named in the Bible. She is also referred to in the deuterocanonical books at Wisdom 10:and the . As they fle the angels warned them, “Escape for.

But his wife, from behind him, looked back, and she became a pillar of salt ” (Genesis 19:26). And his wife looking behind her, was turned into a statue of salt.

He overthrew those cities , and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities , and what grew on the ground. Lot asked his wife for salt for the guests and she replie Also this evil custom you wish to introduce into this place? They left them at the edge of the city with the admonition to not look back towards the sinful cities and to run away as quickly as they could. And he overthrew those cities , and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities , and what grew on the ground. While the rough location of the cities has long been suspecte the authors said they used the latest geological thinking to trace them to a specific.

Here are some ideas for how we can keep. It was then that the wife of Lot turned to look at what was happening and became a pillar of salt (verse 26). Does the text suggest that something more complex is involved?

Was it simply looking back? Why was it her specific punishment to be turned into a pillar of salt ? We invite you to consider . All the information we have about her is packed into one short verse, “His wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. Augustine in City of God 16.

For what is meant by the. The projectiles that fell from the sky and destroyed the cities created the level of toxicity in the lake. Jesus uses the metaphor of salt as being an indicator of whether something is doing its job properly and a sign . As soon as she saw the . Thank you for contacting BibleAsk. And because of their great evil, the Lord set out to destroy them and stop their evil from spreading (Genesis 18).

God was willing to save the cities if he found ten righteous people there (Genesis 18:32). Sodom and Gomorrah were very wicked cities. But, sadly, He could not find . As a result, she “became a pillar of salt ” (verse 26). This is all that the Bible .